Are you frustrated with trying to manage your business at home and still enjoy your family? Wasn't having more time with your famliy one of the reasons you decided to work from home, after all? Or have you hestitated making the leap from a job outside the home to one that is home based because you're not sure you can make a go of it. It is possible to go from burned-out working mother to happy career-at-home mom.
Our special guest, Debbie LaChusa has been where you are - stressed, overloaded and burned out - and she managed to find a way to "have it all." Today she has a career she loves and that earns her a great income and the ability to be home with her children. Debbie is the founder, president and CEM (Chief Entrepreneurial Mom) of the National Association of Home-Based Moms and the author of The Career-at-Home Mom: Secrets for Earning a Six-Figure Income While Having Time for Your Family. She is also a marketing and home-based business coach and consultant and international speaker.
On this teleclass recording you'll learn:
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