Archive for the ‘Art Quilting’ Category
Wednesday, November 1st, 2017

I spent most of the past week in Houston at International Quilt Market. I have been going since 1994, so I’ve seen quite a lot of changes over the years. I was talking with another vendor about how sophisticated the booths have become. In the “old” days we hung quilts on the poles and maybe did a little decoration. Today, some companies build an installation to showcase their products. It’s very exciting to see this energy in the industry. Here’s a bit of what I saw, both in words and pictures. If I had to narrow my impressions to one word, it would be streamers. More on that later.
This is an appliqué pressing sheet developed by Sharon Bradley of New Zealand. The sheet has a “honeycomb” structure that traps the adhesive so it doesn’t spread. The transparent mat is tacky so your appliqué stays in place. It is also easily cleaned. You can watch a video of this product here.
Read more…
Tags: Andover, CutterPillar, FreeSpirit design collections, Fusamat®, International Quilt Market, Libs Elliott, Sharon Bradley, The Original Morris & Co.
Posted in Art Quilting, Creative Arts, Quilt Festival, Quilt Market | 1 Comment »
Tuesday, August 11th, 2015

Unconventional and Unexpected
Roderick Kiracofe
Abrams, $50
I gave the new Twitter live-streaming app, Periscope, a try with a review of the book Unconventional and Unexpected by Roderick Kiracofe. My first scope was an experience. It threw me off that people were live and typing on the screen. The learning curve is not too bad and I know I will try again. By the way, I loved Unconventional and Unexpected and recommend it. Look for it at your local quilt shop and if you want to learn a bit more about the book, here’s a link to Amazon.
Posted in Art Quilting, Book Reviews, Quilt Design | No Comments »
Sunday, February 8th, 2015

Urban and Amish: Classic Quilts and Modern Updates
Myra Harder
That Patchwork Place; $24.99
Amish quilts have stood the test of time, looking both contemporary and traditional at the same time. In this book, Myra Harder has taken Amish designs, which she knew as a child living for a few years in Lancaster County, Pa., and used them as a jumping off point for what she terms urban quilts with their bold fabrics. The urban quilts are not just reproductions of the Amish quilts in today’s fabrics. They have their own style. She includes eight Amish quilts and their eight counterparts with patterns for all. It was fun to see how the Pineapple block became her Chinese Lanterns or how the strong Amish Bars became pieced Horizontal Lines. You can either recreate Myra’s designs or set off on your own modern interpretation.
Look for this book at your favorite quilt or book retailer. Here’s a link to Amazon if you would like to learn more about the book.
Tags: Classic, Modern, Myra Harder, That Patchwork Place
Posted in Art Quilting, Quilt Design, Quilt History | No Comments »
Sunday, January 11th, 2015

Dare to Dance: An Art Quilt Challenge
Mary Kerr
Schiffer; $24.99
I love books that feature a variety of quilts on the same theme, and that is what Dare to Dance offers. Sixty artists each created an 18 x 30 quilt that reflected the theme “Dare to Dance:An Artist’s Interpretation of Joy.” Of course, joy is so open to interpretation and you can see that in each of the quilts. In addition to a full shot of each quilt, the book includes each artist’s story, a story of the quilt and what joy means to her. Some of my favorites included “Space Bubbles II” by Lisa Reber, “The Joy of Dancing on a Rainbow” by Judy Ross and “The Red Slipper” by Dianne Thomas. Treat yourself and then create your own story of joy.
Look for this book at your favorite quilt or book retailer. Here’s a link to Amazon if you would like to learn more about the book.
Tags: Mary Kerr, Schiffer
Posted in Art Quilting, Book Reviews | No Comments »
Sunday, December 21st, 2014

American Quilts: A Democratic Art
Robert Shaw
Sterling; $29.95
Originally published in 2009 and recently updated, American Quilts: The Democratic Art takes a look at the evolution and growth of American quilts from 1780 through 2013. I found myself unable to put the book down, from its elegantly written prose to the more than 370 photographs. You can easily read the book from cover to cover or jump from era to era. It was fun, too, to revisit some of the quilts I remember early on in my study of quilting and to see some I didn’t recognize. And, be sure to enjoy the tactile nature of the book cover with its quilting stitch quality. A last note: with the price of most quilt books hovering near $30, this is clearly a bargain; I first thought the pricing was a misprint. If you are looking for a last minute gift, treat yourself or a friend to American Quilts.
Look for this book at your favorite quilt or book retailer. Here’s a link to Amazon if you would like to learn more about the book.
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Please do! Just use it in its entirety and be sure to include the blurb below:
Morna McEver is the founder and CEO of the International Association of Creative Arts Professionals where creative arts entrepreneurs craft business success. Her weekly e-zine offers tips, techniques and inspiration to help you craft business success from your creative arts passion. You can sign up for a FREE subscription at
Tags: Robert Shaw, Sterling
Posted in Art Quilting, Book Reviews | No Comments »
Sunday, December 7th, 2014

The BeColourful Quilt Collection
Jacqueline de Jonge
AQS: $28.95
Jacqueline de Jonge is an award winning quilter from Delft, in the Netherlands, and her work is known for its vibrant colors. This over-sized book features 54 of Jacqueline’s most striking designs, each shown full size with additional close up detail images. While the quilts are based on traditional designs, they each have a contemporary twist. I found the book inspiring and a feast for the eyes.
Look for this book at your favorite quilt or book retailer. Here’s a link to Amazon if you would like to learn more about the book.
Tags: AQS, Jacqueline de Jonge, Jonge
Posted in Art Quilting, Book Reviews, Color | No Comments »
Sunday, November 23rd, 2014

Necktie Quilts
Christine Copenhaver
C&T Publishing; $24.95
Those of us who have been quilting for some time remember when necktie quilts were popular. With the arrival of Necktie Quilts Revisited by Christine Copenhaver, we may see more. Christine set out to write the book for three reasons: to share her technique of stabilizing the necktie material with fusible interfacing; to provide practical information on sewing with neckties; and to offer fresh ideas for quilts made from neckties. Her discussion on the nuances and how to use necktie patterns was fun to read, particularly the significance of the colors. The book includes instruction for 17 projects and a gallery of additional quilts. I know I have a stash of ties in the back of a closet, so a necktie quilt may be in my future.
Look for this book at your favorite quilt or book retailer. Here’s a link to Amazon if you would like to learn more about the book.
Tags: C&T Publishing, Christine Copenhaver, Necktie Quilts
Posted in Art Quilting, Book Reviews, Quilt Patterns | No Comments »
Sunday, April 6th, 2014

Stack, Shuffle and Slide
Karla Alexander
Martingale; $24.95
In her latest book utilizing her “stack-cut-and-shuffle”plan, Karla Alexander introduces the “Slip ‘n’ Slide.” This technique gives you more control over different values and colors in each block. While you are free to set off on your own creative adventure with Karla’s technique, she includes patterns for 15 quilts, which appeal to both modern and traditional quilters. I was particularly taken with Shattered and its mosaic feel and Paint Chips, which is featured on the cover. I love Karla’s suggestion of a WRAP when you’ve finished a project: “wonder” about how the quilt might have been different; “reflect” on what you have learned; “appreciate” what you have accomplished; and “plan” your next step.
Look for the book at your local quilt shop or book retailer. Here’s a link to Amazon if you would like to learn more about the book.
Tags: Karla Alexander, Martingale
Posted in Art Quilting, Book Reviews, Quilt Design | No Comments »
Sunday, March 9th, 2014

Sweet and Simple Sewing Jessi Jung, Carrie Jung, and Lauren Jung
Martingale; $24.99
Jessi Jung and daughters Carrie and Lauren teamed up to present this collection of fresh sewing and quilting patterns. The collection includes 13 projects, perfect for gift giving or keeping. It was nice to see designs I hadn’t seen before, and I appreciated the hand-sewn and hand-bound journal.
Look for the book at your local quilt shop or book retailer. Here’s a link toAmazon if you would like to learn more about the book.
Tags: Carrie Jung, Jessi Jung, Jung, Lauren Jung, Martingale, quilt, quilting, sew, sewing
Posted in Art Quilting, Quilt Patterns, Uncategorized | No Comments »
Sunday, February 2nd, 2014
Judi Madsen
AQS Publishing; $26.95
With the trends in modern quilting to leave wide open spaces for quilting, this is a good book if you are looking for ideas for that space. Judi Madsen shares some basic quilting and piecing tips before beginning to longarm. The book is designed so that you get experience in the open spaces by completing six quilts. Instructions are clear and the illustrations complement the process. All the patterns, full-sized, are included with the CD that accompanies the book.

Tags: AQS Publishing, Judi Madsen, Quilting Wide Open Spaces
Posted in Art Quilting, Book Reviews | No Comments »