Are You Juggling Too Many Balls?
Wednesday, April 29th, 2020
One of my clients recently commented that with all her responsibilities she felt like she was juggling a lot of balls in the air — managing the shop, its employees and its inventory, her charitable obligations, and her responsibilities with two young kids at home plus her husband.
And this was before the challenge of COVID that we are living in today. Now she added home-schooling for her kids.
Can you picture yourself there?
I certainly can. At any given time I have content to write or deliver related to ICAP and our Members’ Studio, lectures and workshops to prepare for events where I am speaking, coaching calls with clients, planning for upcoming events or launches, not to mention the various balls I am juggling as a wife, sister, aunt, friend, and homeowner. I’ve added mask maker and more cooking to my list at this time. It truly could make you dizzy.
And, I know your life is not any different than mine or Beth, my client. How do I, and you, manage to juggle these responsibilities and not succumb to the falling balls? Here are some tips.
Outline your responsibilities
You have to get a handle on what you are responsible for in your life, so start writing. Create a list of your responsibilities and relationships.