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3 Tips For a Better Quilt Market Experience

'I can’t believe it’s time for Quilt Market already. Yes, it usually happens around the 3rd weekend in May, yet it always seems to arrive so quickly. You can find lots of tips on our blog if you search for Quilt Market. I thought I just share three tips that will make a difference.

1. Set an intention for your time at Market. I find if I have an intention associated with an activity, it’s more likely to come to fruition. Your intention might be to build your mailing list. It might be to sell a certain number of patterns. It might be to find a certain number of new designers to include in your store’s offerings. Before the show starts at the end of the week, take some time to think about what you want to get from your time at Market.

2. Evaluate your results. At the end of each day, look at where you stand with the intention you set and think of what you can do to get back on track, if that’s what you need, or to stay on track, or to exceed your intention.

3. Follow up. When you get back home, set aside time to follow up on all the notes you took and commitments you made. I’ve always heard the power is in the follow up. Not everyone will take the time to do that. As Tony Robbins says, “Success comes from taking the initiative and following up.”

Please share your tips on the blog.

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2 Responses to “3 Tips For a Better Quilt Market Experience”

  1. Bear Creek Quilting Company said:

    Great information! Thanks for sharing. -Shari

  2. Morna said:

    Shari, you’re welcome. Let me know how Market is for you this spring.

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