Book Review: Uncommonly Corduroy
March 23rd, 2014 by MornaUncommonly Courdudoy
Stephanie Dunphy
Martingale; $27.99
Many of us think of using something besides quilting cottons in our work, but have you thought about corduroy? I hadn’t, so I was surprised when this book crossed my desk. After all, we mix cotton and wool, or heavier decorator weights with dressmaker weight, so why not corduroy? Stephanie Dunphy includes 17 different projects ranging from bags and a scarf to quilts in varying sizes. The projects use corduroy alone or combines it with quilting cottons, cotton flannels, or wool. I loved the polka dotted corduroy.
Look for the book at your local quilt shop or book retailer. Here’s a link to Amazon if you would like to learn more about the book.

Tags: cordaroy, corduroy, Martingale, Stephanie Dunphy