What’s Your Gratitude Practice?
March 26th, 2014 by MornaOver the weekend I was working on the content for our Creative Arts Business Summit and thinking about the 36 women and men who are joining me this year. A wave of gratitude came over me, and I reflected how fortunate I am that they are trusting me to guide them for three days. They are all blessings in my life.
When was the last time you sat and reflected on your blessings? When you take the time to focus on what you are grateful for, you will find more happiness in your life. You’ll also begin to see more of what you are grateful for show up in your life. You will find yourself more resilient and even less stressful. Positivity all around!
Here are four tips for adding a gratitude practice to your life:
- Keep a gratitude journal. At the end of each day write down three things that you were grateful for during the day. They do not have to be big. They can be as simple as watching the sunrise or the extra cookie someone left for you or the laugh from watching your kitten chase the ball of yarn. Periodically go back and read what you have written.
- Set aside a few minutes every morning to hold a silent gratitude session. Think about what you are grateful for. Think about those people you are grateful for.
- As you go through your day, look for times you can say, “Thank You,” and do so. These can be little gestures. It makes a difference to you and the other person.
- If you think of someone and the difference they have made in your life, take time to call or write and let them know.
Here’s one of my favorite quotes about gratitude:
If the only prayer you say in your life is ‘thank you,’ that would suffice
Meister Eckhart
Do you have a gratitude practice? Please share.
photo credit: shannonkringen via photopin cc

Tags: Gratitude